Dance in Daycare Program

Movement is a vital link to life   

Our dance program for daycare began with experienced dance artist teachers passing their tools and knowledge from one to another. This organic transference of class material combined with the intuitive additions of each artist/teacher has resulted in a program that is vibrant and fun, easily implemented and thoroughly wise. It is a program that has changed and grown with today’s daycare environment.

A catalyst for social interaction, physical activity and cognitive learning, our dance engages children with playful, varied, multilingual and multicultural material. It involves both classic and innovative approaches to music, dance and movement by combining routine and repetition with surprise and exploration.

Love of music and movement is fostered through song, creative exploration, choreographed dances, movement games and object play. Through the power of rhythm, tone, gesture and dynamic range, children experience the freedom of movement in the space and develop confidence, creativity, curiosity and learning skills.

Developmental Benefits Include:


  • Identifying patterns and sequences
  • Symbolic thinking
  • Multi-lingual
  • Multicultural
  • Inclusive and Creative
  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Rhythm coordination and concentration

  • Spatial organization and awareness
  • Social skills
  • Math and language
  • Imagery and Singing
  • Dynamic quality-energy
  • Force of action
  • Flexibility and fluidity

  • Coordination and balance
  • Movement ritual
  • Self-expression and freedom
  • Imitation and observation
  • Following instruction
  • Role-play and storytelling
  • Spontaneity
  • Body awareness


The MamaDances daycare program enhances and supports the child in their process of constructing the reality of themselves in the world including that of self, object, space, causal and temporal realities.

Skills enhanced include: control, locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills as well as general movement abilities such as balance, strength, and coordination

Roles of the artist/teacher:All of our teachers are experienced dance artistsThe MamaDances teacher is a participant, facilitator and observer

Observation forms can be provided by request.

Skills being practiced  *  Relationships being made  *  Suggestions for extended learning

Classes are held in the daycare locations between 9 and 11:30 am in classes of 30-minute duration.

Program material is designed for groups of ages 12 months to 5 years. 


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